I like many loved to eat. Fast food, ice cream, oh and don't even get me started on the diet pop! My favorite diet was the Protein Power Plan where I could eat as much meat as I wanted! That was heaven, and I lost weight! Only to have to come back of course with the first carb I put into my mouth! Then the cancer came back. I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. With the given life expectancy of two to five years, I figured I had to fight like never before. I decided to educate myself. With the help of wonderful loving friends and family, I read, watched, and listened to books, dvds, and advice. I learned about baking soda from my friend Vern at phkillscancer.com. I drew inspiration from his site about the health benefits of Qigong, Meditation, and of course, breathing. From the dvd Cancer vs. Diet, which I enduringly refer to as cancer for dummies, I learned that each and every one of us has cancer cells in our bodies, but eliminate those cells before they become a problem. That in itself gave me comfort. If people everyday are flushing out their cancer cells, what do I have to do to flush mine? Dr. Sherman does a great job in explaining how to do just that through diet. I learned all about turning cancer on and off with diet in Forks over Knives and The China Study. These media resources have convinced me to take on a Vegan Lifestyle. Since my cancer is estrogen positive, I decided to go the full route and give up not only the meat but also the dairy. Since sugar feeds cancer, I gave that up too, along with all the whites; white flour, white rice, etc. I eat pretty close to a whole plant based food diet eating organic as often as possible. I do however, eat a serving or two of fish a week. I know this is not accepted by "true vegans", but the fish feels right for me so it is something that I chose to do for myself at this time. A chiropractic doctor who is very knowlegable about supplementation, who is also a cancer survivor, has taught me that the key to everything starts with digestion. If the liver isn't working right, toxins including cancer cells cannot be flushed out. So I use a liver supplement. That's the key to all this folks, you have to do what's right for you. You have to be your own advocate. If you feel the right path for you is medical only, then that is what you should do. If you feel it's nutrition only, then go for it. I personally do a little medical and a lot of nutrition encompassing the mind, body, and spirit. Along with my vegan lifestyle (including fish), supplementation, qigong, meditation, and praying I do go along with what my doctor says, but only after I research it and make sure it's right for me. Educate yourself. Chose what's right for you. Hold on tight to your faith. And don't forget to breathe!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012


I can not seem to figure out how to post recipes on this blog, so I am going to put them here! Click on comments to view them.  Please feel free to share some of your favorites!

I use organic when possible, using the dirty dozen list as my guide.  You can find this guide at foodnews.org. I provided a link below under my favorite websites.

Navarro Clinic Results

I highly recommend Bill Hendersons Beating Cancer Gently book.  I reserved a copy from the local library.  It has some wonderful remedies that you can try to beat cancer, like the title of the book says, gently.  One of the most fascinating things I found in the book was the ability to check your cancer levels without the use of having to go to the doctor or give blood.  The Navarro Clinic in the Philippines does a dry urine sample for around $55.  The instructions and more information can be found by using the links located at the bottom of the blog page.  The test uses your urine to measure the amount of HCG your body has in it.  Turns out, most cancers give off the HCG hormone.  I was intrigued so I was debating on sending a sample to see what my numbers came back at.  A friend of mine told me she was invested in me and wanted to pay for the test.  We agreed to send it out on the same day that I was having blood work for my tumor markers.  The instructions for the urine test stated that I needed to stop my vitamin D supplementation 3 days prior to testing, so I did.  A week went by and I got the results of my tumor marker test from the blood work.  Two tumor marker tests were taken and the results were 27 and 25, down from my previous amount of 39 and 39.  This proved that my new lifestyle was working.   27 and 25 are within normal range!  A week later I received the Navarro test via email and my numbers came back a little higher than expected at 59.5.  49 and under indicates no cancer.  It wasn't high, but I was still disappointed, I was expecting/hoping for something within the normal range of 0-49!  I remembered about the Vitamin D and looked up my blood work.  My Vitamin D level was at an all time high of 112!  I emailed Dr. Efron from the clinic to see if that would have interfered with the test.  He said he didn't know but offered to test it again..for free!!  So I stopped the supplementation again, this time for a little over a week, sent another sample, and got a result of 53.5!  Vitamin D supplementation may have affected my test, or my body is continuing to heal itself.  Either way, the number dropped!  I feel that Dr. Efron is an honest man by the way he offered to not charge me for that second test.  There are a lot of people that don't have insurance for costly blood work, so this offers a nice alternative.  There are clinics in the States that do this type of testing, some more elaborate than others, but this was a very simple thing to do and I believe it to be authentic!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Best Friend Vernon and his baking soda protocol

I met a man online.  Something a married woman should never do!  He became my best friend.  He didn't know this, at least not until I sent him an email telling him so.  When telling others about the wonderful things he taught me I still refer to him as "My Best Friend Vern".  He is the author of the website listed in my favorite websites www.phkillscancer.com This is the man that taught me to breathe.  He taught me about Qigong, Meditation, and Baking Soda.  Yep, baking soda.  It is the protocol that I used for 3 weeks and will continue to do occasionally for maintenance.  It is simple, baking soda, water, and molasses.  Does it work? Well it did for him, and me, and lots of other people.  I was leery when I came across his website so I emailed him and asked him if he was still alive and well.  I tend to be a little blunt at times.  He is not only alive and well, he is living life to the fullest.  He even refers to his bout with cancer as "My Dance With Cancer".  I love him! Please go to his website.  He has great information along with survivor stories that fill one with hope.  I won't be offended if you have him as a best friend too! :)

A good place to start

Many people ask me how to get started.  With the internet, the information about a holistic approach is vast.  However, it is also very overwhelming.  One of the best places to start is with a DVD mentioned in my favorite movies section.  It is called Cancer and Diet.  A good friend rented this movie for me from the library.  It literally changed my life.  Dr. Sherman does a fantastic job explaining in a very simple way what an important role diet plays in health.  While doing this, he explains what cancer is, how we get it, and how we can get rid of it.  Again, I will say that it may not work for everyone.  My cancer was found very early, I am blessed.  I am not saying diet will cure all cancers, but it may prolong lives in the some advanced cases.  What this video did for me was provide hope, inspiration, and knowledge.  Learning that each and every person has cancer cells in their bodies, but most have the ability to flush those cells out, left me yearning to learn how I could flush my cells out.  They took out my tumor, both my breasts, and my lymph nodes.  But yet, it lived in my blood and settled into my bones.  And this man told me I could still flush them?  How?? All of the information is in this DVD.  This is where I recommend that you start.  All of the websites and books and DVDs on my blog were just as helpful, but for me, this DVD provided the best start.

My Rainbow Story

Far too often I find myself crediting nutrition to healing my cancer and I forget to give thanks for how I got there.  I would like to take this opportunity to share now.  I grew up a good Catholic girl, not overly religious but respecting it.  I remember as a little girl I wanted this crucifix necklace really bad.  It was huge, like something the nuns wore.  But I thought it was cool and wanted one.  They were selling them at our church festival.  My dad, knowing how much I wanted it, bought the necklace for me.  He gave it to me in front of my friends.  My heart was singing with happiness but it wasn't cool to show excitement over such a religious item in front of my friends.  So instead of hugging him and thanking him I made a face and I'm sure I made some not so nice comments.  The look on his face is something that I will never forget, I'm sure he has, but I can't.  Life is still like that for me.  I feel that God has helped show me the paths that I needed to take to begin this fight, yet I am selective as to who I tell, in an effort to not look "too religious".  It is for this reason that I am going to take a stand now and share my story as to how God is leading me by the hand down the paths that I need to go on.

When I was first diagnosed I of course, was panicked.  Why me, how can this happen, etc. What was making me the sickest though was the thought of leaving my children and having them grow up without a mother.  I was talking to me niece on the phone telling her that I just finished praying that God would allow me 14 more years on this earth, that way my boys would be around the age that I was when I had them.  They would be grown men.  It was raining outside to add to my dismal emotions.  She started yelling in excitement and told me to look out my window, that there was a rainbow that appeared and seemed to be ending not too far from her house.  I went out in my driveway and would you believe that the other end of the rainbow was just past my house? I took that as a sign that God was letting me know it would be ok.  I took a picture of the rainbow and put it as wallpaper on my phone with a banner that read "NEVER FORGET".  That way when I was feeling down I could look at the picture and remember that God was with me.

When I found out that I went metastatic and was given 2-5 years to live, I looked at that wallpaper several times a day.  A few days after I received the news, I was in the bathtub trying to relax.  I still hadn't stopped crying at this point.  I was trying to cry quietly because I knew my boys were in the next room and I didn't want to scare them.  My son started yelling that I needed to come out of the tub right away.  When I opened the door, he showed me that right next to the door on the wall was...you guessed it...a rainbow!  We couldn't figure out where it was coming from.  We tried to block the light to see where the source was but nothing would block it.  Talk about getting chills.  It was another sign that it would be ok.  I sign straight from God himself.  Now you may be thinking, if you want to believe something so bad it can seem true, but there's more.  After being Vegan (plus fish) for a few months, I went to speak to a nutritionist just to make sure I was getting enough nutrients.  I walked into her office and there was a huge picture on her wall...of a rainbow!!!

I am writing this story to inspire people so they never feel alone.  I do believe that God is helping me find what paths are working for me, and I do believe that when the day comes that my time here on Earth is up (hopefully when I'm 110), that he will continue to guide me right into Heaven.  You just have to be open minded enough to look for the signs.  They are subtle but they are there.  I forget often, wondering how many rainbows I may have missed by being too busy to pay attention, but believe that they will continue.  If maybe the soft breeze that blows through my hair or the early spring sun that warms my soul are signs from God that I don't take note of.  What I do know is that I am going to try to make every effort to not be ashamed to tell of these stories, as I am telling you now.  God is good, and he is here, and he is showing me the paths that I need to beat this cancer!  I am yelling it Loud and Proud :) !

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I found this great website and posted a link in my favorite websites below.  It has a list that you can laminate and carry around with you as a great reference tool when shopping for produce.  The list contains Clean 15; the top 15 produce items that's the lowest in pesticides.  The other side has a Dirty Dozen list.  It contains the top 12 produce items that has the most pesticides.  It is recommended to always buy organic from the Dirty Dozen list.  This tool can be found by clicking on the foodnews.org link below. Once on the site, scroll down and click on the "see the whole list" link on the bottom of the page. On the left hand side there will be a link "download guide as pdf".  I reduced the size, printed and laminated it and carry it in my wallet as a reference tool when shopping.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Welcome to my site!

Hello and welcome to my blog.  My hope for this blog is to inspire people the way others have inspired me.  I am open to any and all suggestions.  If you would like to see something or have any questions about anything on this blog, please feel free to contact me anytime!